\ Organize Your Closets for the Back-to-School Season – Paltux

Organize Your Closets for the Back-to-School Season

Whether your kids are distance learning this fall, or heading back to a physical classroom, having an organized closet is important for every student, from grade K to college.

There are some easy ways to optimize a closet so that, not only clothes are at the ready, but supplies and other necessities are easily on hand, too.

For school aged kids at home

Assuming you went through their bags before school ended for the year to pull out that half eaten lunch (if not, good luck!), the next step is to inventory everything your kids already have, that they would use for or at school:

  • Knapsacks and bags;
  • Lunch boxes and water bottles;
  • School supplies like paper, binders, pencils, folders, cases and computers;
  • Hats, caps, uniforms and school clothes.

Once you know what you have, what is in good shape or fits for another year and what needs to be tossed, you’ve got a solid starting point long before you do any shopping for new items.

Set up joint spaces for proper storage of school items

  • Whether it’s the entry hall closet or the mudroom, clearing space and organizing where things will go when the kids come home every day is key. Everything needs its own home so that you and they always know where to find things.
  • Have a hook for backpacks and baskets for hats, scarves, mittens and so on. The bag goes on the hook, jackets get hung up and other items in baskets or bins: one for each kid.
  • Have a place for lunch boxes, bags and water bottles, ideally in the kitchen, so that they get emptied and sorted for the next day. The kitchen is also a great place for a command centre, with cubby holes or baskets for each child to place items that require parental attention: forms, artwork and otherwise!
  • If your kids are on after school sports teams, you need to factor in space for equipment bags as well as a way of ensuring that dirty uniforms or outfits go to the laundry. Placing a laundry basket in the mud room can facilitate that: they get home and drop items directly into it, as a matter of habit.
  • Use a shelf in a linen closet or den for school supplies: all the extra pencils, paper, glue sticks and so on are in one spot, neat, tidy and easy to find! It also makes it easier to assess every once in a while whether you need to stock up on more.

Set up bedroom closets for easy mornings

With very little kids, it’s easy to pick out their clothes for them and set them out. Not so much as they get older! A well organized closet, with pieces placed on hangers as complete outfits, can make things a little smoother during the morning rush. It’s just grab and put on!

Even with older kids, the ideal is to have clothes picked out, lunches packed and knapsacks filled with completed homework the night before, but at the very least, if everything is in its right place, it’s not hard to find what is needed. Routines, like putting completed homework directly back into the backpack rather than leaving it on a table or desk, take time to establish but they do make life a lot easier.

Keeping bedroom closet space tidy is easier if you make sure you go through the closets seasonally to remove anything that no longer fits and to put away out of season clothes. The summer halter tops don’t need to be in with the autumn sweaters, and it just makes more to go through for the kids to find that perfect outfit.

Make sure to have lots of hangers, hooks and storage shelves in closets for all those extra accessories!

Start your school year out organized, and it will make a much smoother transition, regardless of whether school is taking place in the living room or the classroom. 

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This is not a sponsored post. Tips by Marty Basher is the design expert with Modular Closets.