Tuesday, Sheesh, give me a day will you?
As my mother used to day,"Who opened the sluice gate?" I think there were over 30 people in the shop yesterday. Even hub's was amazed. I easily made at least 40 trips up and down the stairs by mid afternoon. I did not get any sewing done, so today I will be glued to that machine as soon as this post is up. Nothing large came in just individual things of people who were waiting for me to get home. Today I have also had work come in and and all of it has to be out by next week before I leave. Yikes!
As the pile of sewing grew larger and larger all I thought was give me a day to recover will you? Yes, I needed to recover from my vacation. I had 7 loads of laundry including all the material I brought home. Of course now there is a big basket of ironing staring at me. But I am happy to say all the Christmas material is washed and ready to pack away. I brought home over 50 yards of material. Can you believe that?
Of course Hubs had his agenda which included me. But then I had one that included him. I wanted to go through the house room by room and make lists of what needed to be done to sell the house. We of course got in a fight about this as he does not want to do anything. He does not want to spend any money and he is going to have to. I really hate doing any kind of home improvement with him as it is always a fight and I am biting my tongue the whole time. His work is so slow and often sloppy. I want perfection. I know I am a terrible painter so let's have a professional come in. We have always done almost everything ourselves and it is hard for either of us to have someone else do what we think we can do. Anyway we finally got the list done, after he stomped up the stairs yelling. At least we have a list. I also called a handy man service and I am waiting for the return call. Got a call into a light fixture guy fro light replacements.
After Hub's melt down he wanted to get the garden stripped. Really? I have non stop customers and you want me outside mucking in the garden? So on go the muck boots and and I put a sign on the shop door to come and find me or to call and I would come down. We were able to get the garden stripped in about 2 hours. It still needs some cleaning and then Hubs will till and cover the ground in chicken manure and old straw. So that made Hubs happy. We also picked two large buckets of potatoes.
I was able to get several things off the project list ad I even cleaned out my make up drawer. Quite proud of myself. I used up two cans of oysters making stew for diner last night. Two more things out of the pantry. Tonight it will be a chicken dish and rice to use up a package of Chinese chicken mix I bought on sale on a whim. I am going to make meat loaves tomorrow to use up burger from freezer. I have no idea what I am going to do for a dessert, but I will go scare something out of the storage shelves. I always have to think ahead on Wednesday when I have to take a meal in. I think the littles are coming tomorrow. I also have to run to the studio tonight. I don't mind as I will get a check to add to the house!
What a mess and Slugs gave me more makeup for my stock which was so nice. Christmas early!
Well I am off to get as much sewing done as possible. Hubs schedule is filling up this month with the High School. He is due in there at 2:30 today so dinner will be late this evening which is good as I will be at the studio.
Wish me luck, this shop is over loaded.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.